Wisdom of the Elderly:
The contents of Surah Luqman in the Qur’an also clearly shows the knowledge and wisdom of the elderly people. This Chapter `Luqman’ embodies the exhortations of Luqman the sage. These sermons which he delivered to his son, cover a wide range of behavioral aspects of a man’s life. If truly acted upon, these can go a long way in strengthening ties between various strata of society.
Wisdom of the elderly is universally recognized. H. I. Hayakawa asserted: “There is only one thing that age can give you, and that is, Wisdom.”
Imam Ali (AS) maintained: “The advice of old-men is dearer than the bravery of young men.”
Therefore, in the first place, it is this distinction (of wisdom), which makes the elderly among us worthy of reverence.
Anas reports from the Holy Prophet (SAW), as saying: “If a young man shows respect to an old-man on account of his old-age, Allah will create for him at his old-age someone who will show him respect, too.”
Manifestation of respect for elders may take different forms, like: helping them in their day-to-day chores, speaking to them with a greater degree of politeness, ignoring their harshness, following their advice, looking after their socio-economic needs, saving them from physical hardship.
Abu Umamah reported that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) one day came out leaning on a staff. We all stood up for him. However, Islam condemns a person who wishes that others should stand up for him to show respect. The Prophet (SAW) warned: “Whoever is pleased that people should show him respect by standing, let him seek his abode in the fire.”
Rights of Parents:
Among all the elders of a man, the rights of his parents enjoy the most distinguished place. The Bible and Torah, require that parents should be respected. In addition, the Qur’an provides detailed instructions in the matter. In Islam duties towards parents rank only next to duties towards Allah. This fact is abundantly clear from the following Qur’anic Verse in which commandments about worshipping Allah have been immediately followed by emphasis on showing kindness to parents. It says: “Your Lord has decreed that you should worship none but Him, and show kindness to your parents...” (17:23)
The contents of Surah Luqman in the Qur’an also clearly shows the knowledge and wisdom of the elderly people. This Chapter `Luqman’ embodies the exhortations of Luqman the sage. These sermons which he delivered to his son, cover a wide range of behavioral aspects of a man’s life. If truly acted upon, these can go a long way in strengthening ties between various strata of society.
Wisdom of the elderly is universally recognized. H. I. Hayakawa asserted: “There is only one thing that age can give you, and that is, Wisdom.”
Imam Ali (AS) maintained: “The advice of old-men is dearer than the bravery of young men.”
Therefore, in the first place, it is this distinction (of wisdom), which makes the elderly among us worthy of reverence.
Anas reports from the Holy Prophet (SAW), as saying: “If a young man shows respect to an old-man on account of his old-age, Allah will create for him at his old-age someone who will show him respect, too.”
Manifestation of respect for elders may take different forms, like: helping them in their day-to-day chores, speaking to them with a greater degree of politeness, ignoring their harshness, following their advice, looking after their socio-economic needs, saving them from physical hardship.

Abu Umamah reported that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) one day came out leaning on a staff. We all stood up for him. However, Islam condemns a person who wishes that others should stand up for him to show respect. The Prophet (SAW) warned: “Whoever is pleased that people should show him respect by standing, let him seek his abode in the fire.”
Rights of Parents:
Among all the elders of a man, the rights of his parents enjoy the most distinguished place. The Bible and Torah, require that parents should be respected. In addition, the Qur’an provides detailed instructions in the matter. In Islam duties towards parents rank only next to duties towards Allah. This fact is abundantly clear from the following Qur’anic Verse in which commandments about worshipping Allah have been immediately followed by emphasis on showing kindness to parents. It says: “Your Lord has decreed that you should worship none but Him, and show kindness to your parents...” (17:23)
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