The biggest drawback of the modernized politics is that many people who are aggressive towards Islam quarrels with the legal orientation of the pre Muslim people. Let us illuminate this in the light of Quranic verses.“God does not forbid you, concerning those who have not fought you because of your religion or driven you from your homes that you treat them kindly and justly. God loves those who are just.” (60:8)
It is clear from this verse that how much Quran emphasize and gives importance to good relations with individual members of the society of other communities. Islam does not restrict Muslims to meet the people of other religion or nor it allows to fight with them without any solid reason. You can get a clear picture from this story that Abu Bakr (R.A)’s daughter Bibi Asma turned towards Islam. However, her mother was still the worshipper, so when her mother gave her a present, she refused to accept it and did not allow her mother to enter the house. When Our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) came to know about this situation, He (P.B.U.H) emphasized Bibi Asma to accept her mother’s present and treat her with respect and kindness. Our Prophet (P.B.U.H) made it very clear that humanity and courtesy are irrespective of cast and creed and Islam put emphasize on the upright and impartial treatment of human beings of other faith communities.Another verse from Quran explains that pursuing peace is the primacy in our religion Islam, not only in peace, even in the midst of war.
“If they [your enemies] incline towards peace then you should likewise incline and place your trust in God. Surely, He hears and knows all.” (8:61)
Islamic history is full of evidences where the tribes offer the treaty of peace to its enemies. Sulah e Hudabia is the biggest example when Our Prophet (P.B.U.H) ceased the war and spread the message of peace throughout the tribe who was fighting against Islam.
We as a Muslim need to expand our knowledge and understanding so we can clear the misconceptions of those who think that Islam promotes Barbarism. One should know that it is the easiest thing to take the Quranic Verse out of perspective and deform its meaning to robust an ideologically defined agenda. Therefore, to maintain peace in the world, the members of all faith communities should join their hands together push towards a higher ground that leads to a common goal that is the betterment of the society.
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