There was no other way for Bohlool to protect his life. For example, Harun told his vizier, Yahya bin Khalid Barmaki, that listening to the words of Imam Jafar Sadiq's student Hisham bin Hikam—who proved Imam Musa Kazim's Imamate—was more dangerous to him than 100,000 swords. Haroun said, "Even then it amazes me that Hisham is alive and I am in power."
Harun planned to kill Hisham. Hisham learned of this and fled from Kufa, and hid in a friend's house, but after a short while he died.
Harun planned to kill Hisham. Hisham learned of this and fled from Kufa, and hid in a friend's house, but after a short while he died.
Behlol Dana 10 Urdu (Behlool Dana) Adorer of Ali A.S

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