It is said that Bahlool mostly spent his time sitting in a graveyard. One day, as usual, he went there. Haroun passed by, desiring to hunt. When he arrived near Bahlool he asked, "Bahlool, what are you doing?"
"I've come to visit such people who don't backbite, who don't expect anything from me and don't cause me pain in any way."
Harun then asked him, "Will you tell me something about Qiyamat, Sirat, and the questions and answers about this world?"
Bahlool replied: "Ask your slave to light a fire and place a flat iron pan over it till it becomes red-hot.Haroun ordered it and it was done.
"O Haroun! I will stand barefoot on this pan and introduce myself. I will describe whatever I have eaten and worn. After that, you have to stand barefoot like I did, introduce yourself, and describe whatever you have eaten and worn."
Haroun agreed.Then Bahlool stood on the hot pan and quickly said, "Bahlool, a bundle (of tattered clothes), barley bread and vinegar." He immediately came off his feet barely burned at all. When Haroun's turn came, the list was very long, his feet got burnt, and he fell off.
Bahlool told him, 'Qiyamat's questions and answers are like this. Those who worship Allah, are content, and stay away from greediness of the world's rank and dignity will easily pass Sirat, but those who are attached to worldly majesty and splendor will be faced with troubles."
"I've come to visit such people who don't backbite, who don't expect anything from me and don't cause me pain in any way."
Harun then asked him, "Will you tell me something about Qiyamat, Sirat, and the questions and answers about this world?"
Bahlool replied: "Ask your slave to light a fire and place a flat iron pan over it till it becomes red-hot.Haroun ordered it and it was done.
"O Haroun! I will stand barefoot on this pan and introduce myself. I will describe whatever I have eaten and worn. After that, you have to stand barefoot like I did, introduce yourself, and describe whatever you have eaten and worn."
Haroun agreed.Then Bahlool stood on the hot pan and quickly said, "Bahlool, a bundle (of tattered clothes), barley bread and vinegar." He immediately came off his feet barely burned at all. When Haroun's turn came, the list was very long, his feet got burnt, and he fell off.
Bahlool told him, 'Qiyamat's questions and answers are like this. Those who worship Allah, are content, and stay away from greediness of the world's rank and dignity will easily pass Sirat, but those who are attached to worldly majesty and splendor will be faced with troubles."
Behlol Dana 13 Urdu (Behlool Dana) Adorer of Ali A.S

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