ALLAH swt said in Quran: Al-Baqarah 2:152
“Therefore remember Me. I will remember you. Be grateful to Me and never show Me ingratitude"
ALLAH swt does not put any IF and BUT when we pray, instead we are bestowed with even what we do not even imagine to ask or get. If ALLAH swt loves us so much, we should be at least grateful to HIM for HIS blessings. The same thing is said in the verse mentioned above. ALLAh says if we remember ALLAh HE will remember us, if we are grateful to HIM HE will bless us with even more. This is what is meant by Ziker or remembrign ALLAH.
In another place ALLAh swt says: Al-Ahzab 33:41
"O you who believe, remember ALLAH with much remembrance."
The verse quoted above means that it will take us only to not forget the presence of ALLAH, if we want to be true believers. But if we are not, then we will not remember HIS presence and will never be able to save us from sins.
In surah ahzab, ALLAH swt says: 33:35
"And the men and women who remember ALLAH frequently, ALLAH has prepared for them forgiveness and great reward."
So, just by being remembering ALLAH swt, we can save us from hell fire because ALLAH swt has said in the above verse that those men and women who do not forget ALLAH swt in their daily matters, they will be rewarded.
In another place, it is said that : Al-Araf 7:205
"And remember your Lord by your tongue and within yourself, humbly and in awe, without loudness, by words in the morning and in the afternoon, and be not among those who are neglectful."
“Therefore remember Me. I will remember you. Be grateful to Me and never show Me ingratitude"
ALLAH swt does not put any IF and BUT when we pray, instead we are bestowed with even what we do not even imagine to ask or get. If ALLAH swt loves us so much, we should be at least grateful to HIM for HIS blessings. The same thing is said in the verse mentioned above. ALLAh says if we remember ALLAh HE will remember us, if we are grateful to HIM HE will bless us with even more. This is what is meant by Ziker or remembrign ALLAH.

In another place ALLAh swt says: Al-Ahzab 33:41
"O you who believe, remember ALLAH with much remembrance."
The verse quoted above means that it will take us only to not forget the presence of ALLAH, if we want to be true believers. But if we are not, then we will not remember HIS presence and will never be able to save us from sins.
In surah ahzab, ALLAH swt says: 33:35
"And the men and women who remember ALLAH frequently, ALLAH has prepared for them forgiveness and great reward."
So, just by being remembering ALLAH swt, we can save us from hell fire because ALLAH swt has said in the above verse that those men and women who do not forget ALLAH swt in their daily matters, they will be rewarded.
In another place, it is said that : Al-Araf 7:205
"And remember your Lord by your tongue and within yourself, humbly and in awe, without loudness, by words in the morning and in the afternoon, and be not among those who are neglectful."
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