Backstage at Iraq (Urdu Documentary)
Just as America 's leaders claimed they believed the drunken, crazy ranting of a pathological liar, so too Americans claim they believe the fanatical ravings of the congenital liars of the state. Americans need to wake up, realize that the state is just the biggest criminal Ponzi scheme in history, and that you cannot continue to live a lie indefinitely. For most Americans, this day appears to be fast approaching.
Just as America 's leaders claimed they believed the drunken, crazy ranting of a pathological liar, so too Americans claim they believe the fanatical ravings of the congenital liars of the state. Americans need to wake up, realize that the state is just the biggest criminal Ponzi scheme in history, and that you cannot continue to live a lie indefinitely. For most Americans, this day appears to be fast approaching.

The real lesson of why the US attacked Iraq is massive government incompetence and criminal malfeasance allowed by a people who were totally gullible and ignorant to stop it. Americans should realize that the US government is their own worst enemy, and their political leaders are incompetent at best and wholly criminal at worst. It is not just a case of Republicans versus Democrats, liberals versus conservatives, as all have contributed to the downfall of America . There is no simple solution of just getting the right people elected, as the whole system is rotten at its core. The only way to avoid the catastrophe of war is if each person accepts that no person, or group of persons, even if they call themselves politicians and leaders, may use their freedom to violate the freedom of another person. People must accept that it is wrong to kill innocent foreigners, to destroy their property, and that killing and stealing for the state is just as wrong as an individual killing and stealing. It is not patriotic to follow the criminal dictates of parasitic leaders who use blind obedience to violate the rights of others. The only hope for America is that her people will lose their collectivist herd mentality inculcated by the state and its indoctrination centers, reject the state and its minions as the slavers of humanity they are, and accept individualism and the responsibility to direct their own life in voluntary cooperation, association, and trade.
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