In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
[1] Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of Mankind,
[2] The King (or Ruler) of Mankind,
[3] The God (or Judge) of Mankind,
[4] From the mischief of the Whisperer (of Evil), who withdraws (after his whisper),
[5] (The same) who whispers into the hearts of Mankind,
[6] Among Jinns and among Men.
In Surah An-Naas,its been said that Allah is indeed the creator of this world, Man and jinn. He is the best well known of what is inside of one's heart and what their thinking and intentions are. Its in favor of Allah subhanawatala.. where He mentions the truth of Allah, the beauty of Allah....
[1] Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of Mankind,
[2] The King (or Ruler) of Mankind,
[3] The God (or Judge) of Mankind,

[4] From the mischief of the Whisperer (of Evil), who withdraws (after his whisper),
[5] (The same) who whispers into the hearts of Mankind,
[6] Among Jinns and among Men.
In Surah An-Naas,its been said that Allah is indeed the creator of this world, Man and jinn. He is the best well known of what is inside of one's heart and what their thinking and intentions are. Its in favor of Allah subhanawatala.. where He mentions the truth of Allah, the beauty of Allah....
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