Here is a short videos introducing different places and cities of Iran, Islamic republic.The premises that have been turned into museum where glass and clay works are on display were built about 90 years ago upon orders of Ahmad Qavam (Qavam-ol-Saltaneh) for his personal lodging (residence and working office). The building is situated in a garden with a span of 7000 square meters and was used by Qavam himself till the year 1953.Later, the building were sold to the Egyptians as the new premises for the embassy of Egypt and remained in their possession for seven years. When relations were strained between Iran and Egypt at the time of Abdul Nasser and subsequent to the closure of the Egyptian embassy in Iran, the Commercial Bank purchased the building.However, it was sold to Farah Pahlavi’s bureau in 1976 and was turned into a museum by three groups of Iranian, Austrian and French architects. The museum was opened in 1980 and was registered in the list of national heritage in 1998.Kinds of Works are given below
1-Brick works

2-Plaster works (3 Kind)
3-Mirror works
4-Inlaid works
Come and watch great Islamic Republic of Iran how their exploring their country
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