When Imperialism powers , like Zionists and Zionists failed to'' Brow-Beating '' Muslims and Islamic Societies, then they start to use new tricks and ways to Terrify Muslims , One , the Most important method to Frighten the Muslims was to make Islam " Non Political" and Non Diplomatic Islamic Society was introduced by Zionists and they also make Exclamation that Islam is only a religion which has only few spiritual ways to pass life but it can not run with at present in 21st Century so, Islam should be Modernize, but no, its not true Islam is for all times, it has the ways and Methods to face all Challenges of time, we can not get Riddance from this temporary world with Islam and Islamic Rules.

Allama Iqbal R.A says
جدا ہو دیں سیاست سے تو رہ جاتی ہے چنگیزی
if religion is separated from politics, it becomes barbarism
Allah , in Koran, also ordered Muslims to solve their problems of life by Advisement (Consultation ), so Muslims can not be separate from Politices, they should manage their daily life by instructions of Allah .
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