Wealth and sons are allurements of the life of this world: But the things that endure, good deeds, are best in the sight of thy Lord, as rewards, and best as (the foundation for) hopes. (46)
“Zeenah” is that which one decorates and beautifies themselves with. Wealth and children are the zeenah of this dunya, not the hereafter. They are not a means of success; unless used in the right way. Children and wealth are taken as the adornment of this life, but we hardly think about using them in the way for the aakhirah.
On the other hand, the baaqiyaat as-saalihaat are what remains. The good righteous deeds are what remain, and are what last. They do not get wasted or nullified when someone dies, rather they take them to success in the hereafter.
One opinion of “baaqiyaat as-saalihaat” is the adkhaar (remembrances), SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, La ilaaha il Allah, wAllahu akbar, because when you receive wealth and children, you are diverted from the remembrance of Allah.
If you notice this ayah; Allah ta’ala mentions specifically that children and wealth are adornments, yet ‘baaqiyaat as-saalihaat‘ is left general: because there are so many deeds one can do.
ibn Abbaas radi Allahu anhuma holds the opinion that the five prayers are baaqiyaat as-saalihaat. Other opinions:
1- kalimah tayyiah: good words
2- any remembrances of Allah
3- in general, any good deeds, big or small.
Allah ta’ala ends the ayah by saying it is “khayrun ‘inda Rabbika thawaaban”, they are best in the sight of your Rabb as reward: sometimes we cannot see the benefits of our work in this dunya, so we must know that with Allah ta’ala is our reward…and not just any reward, khayran, better reward.
Allah ta’ala ends the ayah by saying it is “khayrun amala“–it is better in hopes! It is better to hope for “baaqiyaat as-saalihaat“, and they are worthy of being hoped for. It is better to have expectations in the good deeds because that is what will have results in the hereafter.
Righteous deeds is what will benefit us in the hereafter, not our wealth or children, but what we did in this life for the hereafter. Our real expectations should be with our deeds, because on the day of Judgment, saalihaat will be a better means for us.
Allah ta’ala will not decrease your reward of your righteous deeds; nor will He forget anything you have done. We must have firm belief in this and have good expectations for doing good deeds.

“Zeenah” is that which one decorates and beautifies themselves with. Wealth and children are the zeenah of this dunya, not the hereafter. They are not a means of success; unless used in the right way. Children and wealth are taken as the adornment of this life, but we hardly think about using them in the way for the aakhirah.
On the other hand, the baaqiyaat as-saalihaat are what remains. The good righteous deeds are what remain, and are what last. They do not get wasted or nullified when someone dies, rather they take them to success in the hereafter.
One opinion of “baaqiyaat as-saalihaat” is the adkhaar (remembrances), SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, La ilaaha il Allah, wAllahu akbar, because when you receive wealth and children, you are diverted from the remembrance of Allah.
If you notice this ayah; Allah ta’ala mentions specifically that children and wealth are adornments, yet ‘baaqiyaat as-saalihaat‘ is left general: because there are so many deeds one can do.
ibn Abbaas radi Allahu anhuma holds the opinion that the five prayers are baaqiyaat as-saalihaat. Other opinions:
1- kalimah tayyiah: good words
2- any remembrances of Allah
3- in general, any good deeds, big or small.
Allah ta’ala ends the ayah by saying it is “khayrun ‘inda Rabbika thawaaban”, they are best in the sight of your Rabb as reward: sometimes we cannot see the benefits of our work in this dunya, so we must know that with Allah ta’ala is our reward…and not just any reward, khayran, better reward.
Allah ta’ala ends the ayah by saying it is “khayrun amala“–it is better in hopes! It is better to hope for “baaqiyaat as-saalihaat“, and they are worthy of being hoped for. It is better to have expectations in the good deeds because that is what will have results in the hereafter.
Righteous deeds is what will benefit us in the hereafter, not our wealth or children, but what we did in this life for the hereafter. Our real expectations should be with our deeds, because on the day of Judgment, saalihaat will be a better means for us.
Allah ta’ala will not decrease your reward of your righteous deeds; nor will He forget anything you have done. We must have firm belief in this and have good expectations for doing good deeds.
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