By now all the companions were killed one after the other. It was now the turn of the Bani Hashim and the family of the Beloved Nabi (Salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam). First of all, Ali Akbar came into the battlefield and attacked the enemy, reciting the following verses:
“I am Ali bin Husain bin Ali. By the Rabb of Ka’bah, we are more deserving being nearest to the Beloved Nabi.” “By Allah the son of the man whose father is unknown cannot rule over us.”
He fought heroically but was killed by the sword of Marra bin Manqaz al-‘Abadi. The narrator said that he saw a woman hurrying out of the tent. She was beautiful like the full moon and was crying: “Ah! My brother! Ah! My nephew.” When he enquired as to who she was, he was told that she was Hadrat Sayyadah Zainab bint Fatimah al-Zahra (radiyallahu ‘anhuma). Hadrat Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) caught hold of her hand and took her to her tent. Then he lifted the dead body of Ali Akbar (radiyallahu ‘anh) and placed it before the tent.
Thereafter, other scions of the Hashimite blood and members of the Ahl al-Bayt came to the forefront, and fighting courageously sacrificed their lives one by one. Meanwhile a graceful young man appeared on the scene. He was wearing a simple dress and putting sandals on his feet. He was a very beautiful person and his face was shining like a moon. He came out like a roaring lion and attacked upon the enemy with his immense force. Amr bin Sa’d Azdi struck on his head with a sword. The young man cried: “O’ Uncle!” and fell upon the ground. On hearing his cries Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) came to his rescue and attacked upon the killer with a sword like a hungry falcon and ferocious lion. The assailant raised his hand in his defense but could not succeed. His hand was cut off from the elbow. Being wounded the killer called for help. The army came to his help but rode over him in a state of utter confusion. The narrator said that when the dust was slightly subsided he saw Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) standing near the youngman who was in the agony of death. Imam Husain was saying: “Disaster seize them who killed you. What answer will they give to your grandfather on the Day of Resurrection? By Allah, it is heart-rending for your uncle that you cried for help but he could not save you from the clutches of the enemy. Alas! Enemies of your uncle have increased in number than his friends.” Then he took the dead body in his lap and pressed it close to his chest. He brought the dead body to the tent with its feet trailing on the ground and laid it beside the body of Hadrat Ali Akbar (radiyallahu ‘anh). The narrator enquired of the people as to who he was and was told that he was Sayyid al-Qasim bin Hasan bin Ali bin Abu Talib (radiyallahu ‘anh).
While Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) was standing there, he was apprised of the birth of a son. The babe was put in his arms and as he was calling the Adhan in his ears, an arrow was shot from the opposite direction that pierced the throat of the infant. The infant died instantaneously. He pulled out the arrow from the throat of the infant. The blood gushed out of the wond and by taking a handful of it, Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) smeared the body of the infant. He then said: “By Allah, you are more dearer in the sight of Allah than the she-camel of Nabi Salih (alaihis-Salaam). And Nabi Muhammad (Salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) has more prestige in the sight of Allah than Nabi Salih (alaihis-Salaam). O’ Allah! Thou has withheld they succor to us. Do what Thou may deem fit for us.”
Likewise most of the prominent personalities of Bani Hashim and Ahl al-Bayt were martyred. Historians have recorded the names of the following Shuhadaa:
Muhammad bin Abi Sa’id bin ‘Aqil
Abdullah bin Muslim bin ‘Aqil
Abdullah bin ‘Aqil
Abdur-Rahman bin ‘Aqil
Ja’far bin ‘Aqil
Muhammad bin>
Transfer interrupted!
bin ‘Abdullah bin Ja’far
‘Abbas bin Ali
Abdullah bin Ali
Uthman bin Ali
Muhammad bin Ali
Abu Bakr bin Ali
Abu Bakr bin al-Hasan
Abdullah bin al-Hasan
Al-Qasim bin al-Hasan
Ali Akbar bin al-Husain
Abdullah bin al-Husain

“I am Ali bin Husain bin Ali. By the Rabb of Ka’bah, we are more deserving being nearest to the Beloved Nabi.” “By Allah the son of the man whose father is unknown cannot rule over us.”
He fought heroically but was killed by the sword of Marra bin Manqaz al-‘Abadi. The narrator said that he saw a woman hurrying out of the tent. She was beautiful like the full moon and was crying: “Ah! My brother! Ah! My nephew.” When he enquired as to who she was, he was told that she was Hadrat Sayyadah Zainab bint Fatimah al-Zahra (radiyallahu ‘anhuma). Hadrat Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) caught hold of her hand and took her to her tent. Then he lifted the dead body of Ali Akbar (radiyallahu ‘anh) and placed it before the tent.
Thereafter, other scions of the Hashimite blood and members of the Ahl al-Bayt came to the forefront, and fighting courageously sacrificed their lives one by one. Meanwhile a graceful young man appeared on the scene. He was wearing a simple dress and putting sandals on his feet. He was a very beautiful person and his face was shining like a moon. He came out like a roaring lion and attacked upon the enemy with his immense force. Amr bin Sa’d Azdi struck on his head with a sword. The young man cried: “O’ Uncle!” and fell upon the ground. On hearing his cries Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) came to his rescue and attacked upon the killer with a sword like a hungry falcon and ferocious lion. The assailant raised his hand in his defense but could not succeed. His hand was cut off from the elbow. Being wounded the killer called for help. The army came to his help but rode over him in a state of utter confusion. The narrator said that when the dust was slightly subsided he saw Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) standing near the youngman who was in the agony of death. Imam Husain was saying: “Disaster seize them who killed you. What answer will they give to your grandfather on the Day of Resurrection? By Allah, it is heart-rending for your uncle that you cried for help but he could not save you from the clutches of the enemy. Alas! Enemies of your uncle have increased in number than his friends.” Then he took the dead body in his lap and pressed it close to his chest. He brought the dead body to the tent with its feet trailing on the ground and laid it beside the body of Hadrat Ali Akbar (radiyallahu ‘anh). The narrator enquired of the people as to who he was and was told that he was Sayyid al-Qasim bin Hasan bin Ali bin Abu Talib (radiyallahu ‘anh).
While Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) was standing there, he was apprised of the birth of a son. The babe was put in his arms and as he was calling the Adhan in his ears, an arrow was shot from the opposite direction that pierced the throat of the infant. The infant died instantaneously. He pulled out the arrow from the throat of the infant. The blood gushed out of the wond and by taking a handful of it, Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) smeared the body of the infant. He then said: “By Allah, you are more dearer in the sight of Allah than the she-camel of Nabi Salih (alaihis-Salaam). And Nabi Muhammad (Salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) has more prestige in the sight of Allah than Nabi Salih (alaihis-Salaam). O’ Allah! Thou has withheld they succor to us. Do what Thou may deem fit for us.”
Likewise most of the prominent personalities of Bani Hashim and Ahl al-Bayt were martyred. Historians have recorded the names of the following Shuhadaa:
Muhammad bin Abi Sa’id bin ‘Aqil
Abdullah bin Muslim bin ‘Aqil
Abdullah bin ‘Aqil
Abdur-Rahman bin ‘Aqil
Ja’far bin ‘Aqil
Muhammad bin>
Transfer interrupted!
bin ‘Abdullah bin Ja’far
‘Abbas bin Ali
Abdullah bin Ali
Uthman bin Ali
Muhammad bin Ali
Abu Bakr bin Ali
Abu Bakr bin al-Hasan
Abdullah bin al-Hasan
Al-Qasim bin al-Hasan
Ali Akbar bin al-Husain
Abdullah bin al-Husain
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