It was a very tough time. The enemy had put in the battle its full force. Unfortunately, Habib bin Mazahar, Commander of the right wing of the Husaini forces, was also killed. It was a dead blow to the Husainis. The next came the turn of Hur bin Yazid who advanced straight into the enemy forces reciting the following verses with great enthusiasm:
“I have sworn no to be killed unless and until I have killed them. I shall die only while I am advancing. I shall inflict heavy casualties with my sword. I shall neither fear no shall I run away.”
He boldly attacked the enemy and eventually, sore and weary with fatal wounds, gave up his life.
Now the Zuhr time was over. Hadrat Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) offered Salat-ul-Khawf along with his companions. After the Salat the pressure of the enemy increased all of the more. On this occasion Zaheer bin al-Yaqin, Commander of the left wing, took command of the army and attacked the enemy reciting the following verses:
“I am Zaheer, son of al-Yaqin. I shall keep them away from Husain with the point of my sword.”
After dispersing the lines of rival forces he returned and putting his hand on Imam Husain’s shoulder recited the following verses:
“Advance, Allah has guided you to the right path. You will be meeting today with your grandfather, the Beloved Nabi (Salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam), and Hasan, and Ali al-Murtaza, the young grave Ja’far al-Tayyar, and the living martyr Asadullah Hamza (radiyallahu ‘anhum).”
Then he turned towards the enemy and put a number of them to death until he himself was killed.
Companions of Hadrat Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) now realized that it was quite impossible for them to stop the enemy. Therefore, they all decided to sacrifice themselves one by one. Accordingly, to Ghiffari brothers moved forward and began to fight with the enemy. While fighting they were reciting the following verses:
“Bani Ghaffar and tribes of Nazar have known fully well that we will cut the vicious people into pieces with our glittering swords. O people! Support the pious ones with they spears and they swords.”
Thereafter two Jabri brothers came forward who were weeping bitterly. Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) said to them: “O sons of my brother! Why are you weeping? By Allah, I believe you will be killed after a few minutes.” They replied that they were not shedding tears due to the danger to their lives, but it made them weep seeing that the enemy had surrounded them and they could do nothing to save him. Then both of them began to fight courageously chanting aloud: “As-Salaamu ‘alayka O’ Son of the Beloved Nabi!” Hadrat Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) replied: “Wa ‘alaykum-us-Salaam wa Rahmatullah.” At last they were also killed.
After than Hanzal bin As’ad stood before the enemy shouting: “O people! I fear for you the same disaster as befell upon the nations of Aad and Thamud. I fear you may be destroyed. O’ People! Don’t slay Husain lest Allah should send calamity on you.” He fought manfully until he was martyred.

“I have sworn no to be killed unless and until I have killed them. I shall die only while I am advancing. I shall inflict heavy casualties with my sword. I shall neither fear no shall I run away.”
He boldly attacked the enemy and eventually, sore and weary with fatal wounds, gave up his life.
Now the Zuhr time was over. Hadrat Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) offered Salat-ul-Khawf along with his companions. After the Salat the pressure of the enemy increased all of the more. On this occasion Zaheer bin al-Yaqin, Commander of the left wing, took command of the army and attacked the enemy reciting the following verses:
“I am Zaheer, son of al-Yaqin. I shall keep them away from Husain with the point of my sword.”
After dispersing the lines of rival forces he returned and putting his hand on Imam Husain’s shoulder recited the following verses:
“Advance, Allah has guided you to the right path. You will be meeting today with your grandfather, the Beloved Nabi (Salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam), and Hasan, and Ali al-Murtaza, the young grave Ja’far al-Tayyar, and the living martyr Asadullah Hamza (radiyallahu ‘anhum).”
Then he turned towards the enemy and put a number of them to death until he himself was killed.
Companions of Hadrat Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) now realized that it was quite impossible for them to stop the enemy. Therefore, they all decided to sacrifice themselves one by one. Accordingly, to Ghiffari brothers moved forward and began to fight with the enemy. While fighting they were reciting the following verses:
“Bani Ghaffar and tribes of Nazar have known fully well that we will cut the vicious people into pieces with our glittering swords. O people! Support the pious ones with they spears and they swords.”
Thereafter two Jabri brothers came forward who were weeping bitterly. Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) said to them: “O sons of my brother! Why are you weeping? By Allah, I believe you will be killed after a few minutes.” They replied that they were not shedding tears due to the danger to their lives, but it made them weep seeing that the enemy had surrounded them and they could do nothing to save him. Then both of them began to fight courageously chanting aloud: “As-Salaamu ‘alayka O’ Son of the Beloved Nabi!” Hadrat Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) replied: “Wa ‘alaykum-us-Salaam wa Rahmatullah.” At last they were also killed.
After than Hanzal bin As’ad stood before the enemy shouting: “O people! I fear for you the same disaster as befell upon the nations of Aad and Thamud. I fear you may be destroyed. O’ People! Don’t slay Husain lest Allah should send calamity on you.” He fought manfully until he was martyred.
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