Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) and his companions passed the whole night in offering prayer, invoking forgiveness from Allah Ta’ala, weeping and crying. A division of the enemy’s cavalry had been patrolling round Imam Husain’s camp. Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) was reciting the following Ayats of the Qur’an al-kareem loudly:
“And let not those who disbelieve imagine that the rein We give them bodeth good unto their souls. We only give then rein that they may grow in sinfulness. And theirs will be a shameful torment. It is not (the purpose) of Allah to leave you in your present state till He shall separate the wicked from the good.” (Surah Aal-e-Imran, Ayats 178-179)
On the 10th of Muharram, Friday, Umar bin Sa’d set out with his army. Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) too posted his men at strategic points. His army consisted of only 72 men; 32 horsemen and 40 foot-soldiers. The right wing of the army was given in the charge of Zaheer while Habib bin Mazahar was appointed Commander of the left wing of the army. The flag was held by Imam Husain’s brother, Hazrat ‘Abbas bin Ali (radiyallahu ‘anh). A trench was dug behind the camp which was filled with fire so that the enemy could not attack from the rear.
Shimr who went past the camp on a galloping horse noticed fire and cried aloud, “Husain! Did you accpet fire before the Day of Resurrection?” Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) retorted, “O son of a Shepherd! You deserve fire more than any one else.”
One of Imam Husain’s men, Muslim bin Ausja, sought permission to shoot an arrow at him, as he was standing at a point blank range. Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) did not allow him to do so as he did not want to initiate war.
As the enemy’s forces advanced, Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) raised his hands praying to Allah:
“O Allah, I trust upon You in my hour of distress and calamity. Thou are my protector in every misfortune. I have lost my heart due to my miseries. Allah my prudence has failed. Friends have turned foes. Enemy is rejoicing. I have sought only Thy help. Thou are the Master of every fortune. Thou are kind. Today I beseech Thy help.”

“And let not those who disbelieve imagine that the rein We give them bodeth good unto their souls. We only give then rein that they may grow in sinfulness. And theirs will be a shameful torment. It is not (the purpose) of Allah to leave you in your present state till He shall separate the wicked from the good.” (Surah Aal-e-Imran, Ayats 178-179)
On the 10th of Muharram, Friday, Umar bin Sa’d set out with his army. Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) too posted his men at strategic points. His army consisted of only 72 men; 32 horsemen and 40 foot-soldiers. The right wing of the army was given in the charge of Zaheer while Habib bin Mazahar was appointed Commander of the left wing of the army. The flag was held by Imam Husain’s brother, Hazrat ‘Abbas bin Ali (radiyallahu ‘anh). A trench was dug behind the camp which was filled with fire so that the enemy could not attack from the rear.
Shimr who went past the camp on a galloping horse noticed fire and cried aloud, “Husain! Did you accpet fire before the Day of Resurrection?” Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) retorted, “O son of a Shepherd! You deserve fire more than any one else.”
One of Imam Husain’s men, Muslim bin Ausja, sought permission to shoot an arrow at him, as he was standing at a point blank range. Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) did not allow him to do so as he did not want to initiate war.
As the enemy’s forces advanced, Imam Husain (radiyallahu ‘anh) raised his hands praying to Allah:
“O Allah, I trust upon You in my hour of distress and calamity. Thou are my protector in every misfortune. I have lost my heart due to my miseries. Allah my prudence has failed. Friends have turned foes. Enemy is rejoicing. I have sought only Thy help. Thou are the Master of every fortune. Thou are kind. Today I beseech Thy help.”
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