Belief in the end-times or the last days is mandatory in Islam. It is listed as the fifth article of faith.
The Five articles of faith in Islam
1. God: He is One; his nature and qualities are chiefly revealed in his ninety-nine 'Most Beautiful Names'.
2. His angels: these include four archangels (e.g. Gabriel) and an indefinite number of ordinary
angels. There are also creatures between angels and men called jinn, some of which are good and
some evil.
3. His books: Scriptures were revealed to Adam, Seth, Enoch and Abraham, but these have now been lost. These are the main Scriptures: a. The Pentateuch (tawrat)
b. The Psalms (zabur)
(Both of these are said by Muslims to have been corrupted or misinterpreted by the
c. The Gospel (injil)
(said by Muslims to have been corrupted or misinterpreted by the Christians)
d. The Quran, revealed to Muhammad
4. His apostles: The Quran names twenty-eight apostles, most of whom are biblical characters.
The six greatest are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, (Jesus) and Muhammad.
5. The Last Day: the day of judgment, when all will be judged according to their deeds, and
admitted to Paradise or to hell. Some summaries add the following two doctrines:
6. The predestination of good and evil by God.
7. The bodily resurrection of all people at the last day.
The Five articles of faith in Islam

1. God: He is One; his nature and qualities are chiefly revealed in his ninety-nine 'Most Beautiful Names'.
2. His angels: these include four archangels (e.g. Gabriel) and an indefinite number of ordinary
angels. There are also creatures between angels and men called jinn, some of which are good and
some evil.
3. His books: Scriptures were revealed to Adam, Seth, Enoch and Abraham, but these have now been lost. These are the main Scriptures: a. The Pentateuch (tawrat)
b. The Psalms (zabur)
(Both of these are said by Muslims to have been corrupted or misinterpreted by the
c. The Gospel (injil)
(said by Muslims to have been corrupted or misinterpreted by the Christians)
d. The Quran, revealed to Muhammad
4. His apostles: The Quran names twenty-eight apostles, most of whom are biblical characters.
The six greatest are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, (Jesus) and Muhammad.
5. The Last Day: the day of judgment, when all will be judged according to their deeds, and
admitted to Paradise or to hell. Some summaries add the following two doctrines:
6. The predestination of good and evil by God.
7. The bodily resurrection of all people at the last day.
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