Allah says us not to curse others ,,, so if we say any curse or bad words to them , Allah becomes angry with us and will curse on us ,, so do not curse all other creatures ,, alwys be faithfull of Almighty Allah.One can be faithful to another person, and devote his entire life to his or her needs and desires, only if he feels a strong and sincere love for that person. Therefore, those whose bond of love is false can never experience the meaning of true faithfulness. It is important to notice here that, even if certain relationships are bound in love, those involved are far from understanding the true meaning of faithfulness and love that Allah describes in the Qur'an,
because their bond is formed on criteria established by those ignorant of the morality of the Qur'an.A person can experience real love and devotion only when be comes to believe and grasp the greatness of Allah. Basically, a person must feel sincere love and faithfulness towards our Lord Allah. Those who experience these deep feelings for Allah will also experience a deep sense of love for those who are also practicing the kind of morality that is pleasing to Him. Therefore, real love can be experienced only among those who fear Allah and feel a true love and respect towards Him. The way disbelievers understand love,

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