Just as important as what you eat is how you eat. The process of eating plays a vital role in metabolism, vitality, and nutrition. The more skillfully you eat, the less you have to worry about what you eat. Just as we need education on what to eat, learning how the process of eating influences metabolism is equally important.
From low fat to low carb, from South Beach to Okinawa, there are countless diets and nutrition books on the market, all advocating a different program. In this section, I want to give you a refreshing perspective: just as important as what you eat is how you eat. What I want to explore with you is how the process of eating plays a vital role in metabolism, vitality, and nutrition. The more skillfully you eat, the less you have to worry about what you eat. Just as we need education on what to eat, learning how the process of eating influences metabolism is equally important.
There really are lots of reasons to eat – the taste, social engagements, your mother told you to, and of course because you’re hungry. It doesn’t necessarily matter what your reasons are, the ultimate goal is to fuel up your body with energy. This section is about tuning into the process of eating so that we not only enjoy our food more, but we also get more energy out of the food we eat.
In the last decade alone, nutritionists, doctors, and diet and health “experts” have written hundreds of books promoting dozens of dietary theories and routines. For the purposes of this book, let’s highlight some key points that are universally healthy and move on to a refreshing way to look at how we fuel our bodies – how we eat food.
In this practice, you want to chew your food about twenty – thirty times. While you are chewing, bring your attention to the process of chewing and how the food tastes and feels in your mouth. It is important here not be doing other things, like watching television, driving or reading. Although it can be done during these activities, it is much better to have all of your awareness on the process of eating. Pay close attention to every bite. Food eaten mindfully will be easier to digest and you will be less likely to overeat.
1. Sit down for your meal.
2. Take a few deep breaths.
3. Take a bite of something delicious.
4. Chew 20 – 30 times.
5. Savor the food.
6. Feel the texture in your mouth.
7. Notice the taste and flavors.
8. Have the intention that what you are eating will deliver energy and vitality to your entire body.

From low fat to low carb, from South Beach to Okinawa, there are countless diets and nutrition books on the market, all advocating a different program. In this section, I want to give you a refreshing perspective: just as important as what you eat is how you eat. What I want to explore with you is how the process of eating plays a vital role in metabolism, vitality, and nutrition. The more skillfully you eat, the less you have to worry about what you eat. Just as we need education on what to eat, learning how the process of eating influences metabolism is equally important.
There really are lots of reasons to eat – the taste, social engagements, your mother told you to, and of course because you’re hungry. It doesn’t necessarily matter what your reasons are, the ultimate goal is to fuel up your body with energy. This section is about tuning into the process of eating so that we not only enjoy our food more, but we also get more energy out of the food we eat.
In the last decade alone, nutritionists, doctors, and diet and health “experts” have written hundreds of books promoting dozens of dietary theories and routines. For the purposes of this book, let’s highlight some key points that are universally healthy and move on to a refreshing way to look at how we fuel our bodies – how we eat food.
In this practice, you want to chew your food about twenty – thirty times. While you are chewing, bring your attention to the process of chewing and how the food tastes and feels in your mouth. It is important here not be doing other things, like watching television, driving or reading. Although it can be done during these activities, it is much better to have all of your awareness on the process of eating. Pay close attention to every bite. Food eaten mindfully will be easier to digest and you will be less likely to overeat.
1. Sit down for your meal.
2. Take a few deep breaths.
3. Take a bite of something delicious.
4. Chew 20 – 30 times.
5. Savor the food.
6. Feel the texture in your mouth.
7. Notice the taste and flavors.
8. Have the intention that what you are eating will deliver energy and vitality to your entire body.
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