Benefits of our atmosphere provide to earth
- Gives us atmospheric pressure
- Ozone layer shields earth from UV radiation
- Ionosphere layer allows radio waves to be bounced off and radios to work
- Prevents water from vaporising off the earth thanks to atmospheric pressure.
- Gives us atmospheric pressure
- Ozone layer shields earth from UV radiation
- Ionosphere layer allows radio waves to be bounced off and radios to work
- Prevents water from vaporising off the earth thanks to atmospheric pressure.
It blocks harmful ultra vilote radiation rays from the sun that could kill us all.
The ozone blocks ultraviolet from the Sun.
Permits formation of clouds, leading to distribution of water by rain and snow.
Creates conditions conducive to life
Prevents most meteors from reaching the ground--friction with the atmosphere destroys them.
Earth and Moon are same distance from the Sun, but the airless Moon has daytime temperatures that go to +200F, and nighttime that go to -200F. The difference from Earth's temperature range is our atmosphere.
The magnetic field protects the earth from the heat of the sun. If it wasn't there, we would be dead...i think
The ozone blocks ultraviolet from the Sun.

Permits formation of clouds, leading to distribution of water by rain and snow.
Creates conditions conducive to life
Prevents most meteors from reaching the ground--friction with the atmosphere destroys them.
Earth and Moon are same distance from the Sun, but the airless Moon has daytime temperatures that go to +200F, and nighttime that go to -200F. The difference from Earth's temperature range is our atmosphere.
The magnetic field protects the earth from the heat of the sun. If it wasn't there, we would be dead...i think
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