Amanat is a trust that you leave with someone to be returned in full at a given time and place. Amanat is something that belongs to another person, that he or she gives to you for safe keeping and to abide under the rules of the pact (covenant) he or she made with you.
Khianat is taking something out of what was given to us for safekeeping and betraying the trust of another.
Khianat is detested by Allah SWT
On the day o judgment each promise/pact breaker will have a flag, which will announce what promise or pact he or she violated. This will be the announcement of their violations of their promises, personal or national, publicly decrying their actions for all to see.
(Hypocrites is a foul word in islam, it means someone who overtly says he believes and inside does not, and this is reflected in his actions, Unfortunately we have no way to know who is a hypocrite, but this hadith is to warn us and to look within us to make sure that we do not carry any vestiges of hypocrisy)
Prophet Muhammad PBUH said the person who has these four attributes is a true hypocrite, and if he has even one then he has one-fourth qualities of a hypocrite until he leaves these attributes:
1. When he/she is given an amanat he violates it with Khianat. He betrays the other persons confidence, he does not keep the other persons confidential information secret, he does not complete his duty as promised
2. When he speaks he/she lies.
3. When he promises something he/she betrays his/her promise
4. When he argues he/she becomes verbally abusive
Allah SWT dislikes those who do khianat. Khianat is a sign of hypocrisy.
People can hide the act of their khianat from people but not from Allah.
The betrayal of confidences exchanged between husband and wife, between friends, and betrayal of pacts between nations.
If two people are talking and one of them looks around (sort of to make sure no one else is listening, this is an indicator that he wants this conversation confidential without actually saying so), their word becomes an amanat, especially if someone is taking advice. If two people are talking in confidence softly, then to eaves dropping is also khianat of the ears.
Reading other people’s personal mail, diary,(khianat of the eyes) eavesdropping on phone calls, (kianat of the ears) going into other peoples email without their permission are all acts of khianat.
Even with children: going through their things secretly is also khianat. If one has to investigate one’s own children’s things it should be done in their presence.
Using children to spy on other family members also falls under khianat.
If one desires to break a pact, one should do it publicly (“throw back their covenant to them”)rather than by default.

Khianat is taking something out of what was given to us for safekeeping and betraying the trust of another.
Khianat is detested by Allah SWT
On the day o judgment each promise/pact breaker will have a flag, which will announce what promise or pact he or she violated. This will be the announcement of their violations of their promises, personal or national, publicly decrying their actions for all to see.
(Hypocrites is a foul word in islam, it means someone who overtly says he believes and inside does not, and this is reflected in his actions, Unfortunately we have no way to know who is a hypocrite, but this hadith is to warn us and to look within us to make sure that we do not carry any vestiges of hypocrisy)
Prophet Muhammad PBUH said the person who has these four attributes is a true hypocrite, and if he has even one then he has one-fourth qualities of a hypocrite until he leaves these attributes:
1. When he/she is given an amanat he violates it with Khianat. He betrays the other persons confidence, he does not keep the other persons confidential information secret, he does not complete his duty as promised
2. When he speaks he/she lies.
3. When he promises something he/she betrays his/her promise
4. When he argues he/she becomes verbally abusive
Allah SWT dislikes those who do khianat. Khianat is a sign of hypocrisy.
People can hide the act of their khianat from people but not from Allah.
The betrayal of confidences exchanged between husband and wife, between friends, and betrayal of pacts between nations.
If two people are talking and one of them looks around (sort of to make sure no one else is listening, this is an indicator that he wants this conversation confidential without actually saying so), their word becomes an amanat, especially if someone is taking advice. If two people are talking in confidence softly, then to eaves dropping is also khianat of the ears.
Reading other people’s personal mail, diary,(khianat of the eyes) eavesdropping on phone calls, (kianat of the ears) going into other peoples email without their permission are all acts of khianat.
Even with children: going through their things secretly is also khianat. If one has to investigate one’s own children’s things it should be done in their presence.
Using children to spy on other family members also falls under khianat.
If one desires to break a pact, one should do it publicly (“throw back their covenant to them”)rather than by default.
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